Saturday, 27 February 2010

Going anywhere nice this year???

According to this weeks Journal Barum is a town of thirty two hairdressing salons. I found this figure quite incredible. We must be one of the most highly coiffed towns per capita in the whole of the British Isles. It used to be said that Barnstaple had the highest incidence of violent crime for a town its size in the whole country, or so I was told by a Polcie inspector back in the 80's when I was doing my Duke of Edinburgh award and it was also famed for having an extremely high concentration of public houses and this notoriety was was also enhanced by all day opening on Fridays and extended hours during the week. Of course thinking about it one was probably a consequence of the other. Alcohol and violence often going hand in hand you know

From this......
However, now we have to my mind at least a surfeit of hairdressers. While at North Devon College I do recall that the Hairdressing Department was a pretty lively place and if you couldn't place a student you could fairly safely label them as being a hairdresser. I do not know that this fact will enable the town to harbour another claim to fame but I suppose it may be deemed as being an improvement. The citizens of our town now evidently preferring to spend their money on getting their hair done rather than drinking all day Friday and getting in a scrap over the weekend. Anything else for the weekend Sir? this