....... a must what exactly? That was the question on our lips down at the Marshals Thursday lunch club and I must say we had a jolly old time trying to decipher the unofficial logo that has been foisted upon the people of North Devon by, as far as I can make out a small group of town traders who have formed a group called BID North Devon. Bleddy daft name for a start as first thing it does is put you in mind of that town over on the other side of the bay. So, to my way of thinking first thing they've gone and done is promote Bideford! I see no sense in it and neither did anyone else. Annie Cawood suggested Barum it's a must..... avoid at all costs especially on a Thursday afternoon when the methadone clinic kicks out. Charlie Street put forward the notion that Barnstaple, it's a must... for visiting charity shops, poundshops and pawnbrokers/money shops. Of course with Town's Fa Vase historic second round proper coming up I suggested a little more positively, Barum it's a must .... win on Saturday. (Which I am glad to report they did beating a team called Downton of all things, apparently the visitors had a bad dose of flu but a wins a win ).
Don't get me wrong though I'm not against promoting the town and I always do my own bit when and where I can, and engendering a bit of local pride as Lord knows at this present time the poor old place needs it but I can't see that this logo is the way to do it. It's wishy washy vague and has exposed itself to ridicule. Why to the people resposible for these things always dream up something so bland and neutral that fails to capture the essence, history and values of a place. They always do it, rebranding is what they call it and locally we have had a few choice examples in recent years to illustrate the point. North Devon College - Petroc which to be fair is growing on me and Devon County Council and North Devon both of 'em replaced logos with clear graphic representations of the area with anodyne pastel leaves and abstract rural coastal swathes of watery green and blue.

The firm behind the Barum design claim that they want to get over a sense of history and local pride. How? I just don't see it, not even after I tried squinting. They could have come up with something a lot better and could have done a lot worse than basing it on the old logo or coat of arms as they were called which has served the town well since at least the 16th century. As you can see it comes with it's own little tag line or motto. " Fides et Justitia" It's Latin and I have just had a word with the Squire who is a Latin scholar and it translates as "faith and Justice" Barum - Faith and Justice. Blimey you can't get more proud and noble than that. That lofty claim should give anyone a sense of local pride and history if that's what our forebears thought of the town it indicates what we should strive to live up to.

Here's 'Combes recent effort. There's nothing like a bit of honesty and I think they have hit the nail on the head with a motto which needs no deciphering as I think there no denying it, it is a very, very curious place indeed