Saturday, 27 March 2010

Cider rebellion A song of the Western Men ( and ladies who like drop or two too)

Well, I have not heard such a rebel yowl in all of my life. The cider tax. No taxation without representation the republicans cried in the port of Boston some two hundred odd years ago and lest we forget many of 'em were of North Devonian heritage They may have tossed tea overboard in order to foment a rebellion agin Westminster but in my mind it's the same thing. Now I'm a true socialist man and boy but this to me really represents a knee jerk reaction to public order whereby some ciders, those which invariably have never seen an apple, are seen as being the catalyst for public disorder. Sorry but a pint of Strongbow makes me gag but a lovely pint of cloudy traditional cider is not only alcoholic but extremely tasty and if you have been out in the elements all day, what ever you'me been up to,  bleddy thirst quenching. Going back to the politics, the main cider producing areas of the country are invariably Liberal Democrat, they are not in government and Labour have probably given up hope of resting any seats from them or the tories. So how to make a moral panic and raise some revenue? Demonize cider, tax it and all in constituencies a couple of hundred miles away from the Westminster throng. Idiots, half the population does not live in metropolitan, urban areas and policy makers, pundits and the BBC seem to forget this fact as we suffer time from time from poorly thought out central government decisions.
This is  only the start. Don't shoot until you see the white of their eyes (Bunker Hill 1776) Aux armes citoyenes. Marchons, marchons. We have rebelled before in our Westcountry past we have toppled government, Kings and after traveling on masse 200/300 miles across the country  to fight and win fierce battles in order to make our grievances apparent. Rise again people of the West and I include Gloucester, the south midlands in this. The cricket season is going to start soon, Exeter City have a few crunch games coming up all of which may be on TV. Cider boys make your voice heard. Now!
My local though couldn't wait put the price up for a drop of natch. This afternoon it went up by 25p a pint. I only budgeted for four pints so I had to ask for credit for me fifth. I thought I'd have the fifth in order to give a cash boost to the local scrumpy farm. I ended up having on the slate
Following a delicious apple juice recipe......... cider vinegar aqua vita.......... farmhouse scrumpy bleddy gorgeous
Or how to get around paying duty. 1) an apple flavoured tonic juice. 2) Apple preserve. 3) Industrial tube cleanser and metal coating agent 3) Hire a small ship once a week load loads of barrels of scrumpy aboard. Tell the customs and excise that it is for export only and that you are off to the Carolinas but only sail as far a Lundy, stash the lot for a few weeks while incoming ships  which dock further up the channel, can supply you with documentation saying it's rum and then sail back into Barum not biddy and hey presto. The original booze cruise.
Seriously some fine apple orientated recepies  comin up...... Eh? recipie what the *****. A recipie
Last thing I knew we spoke the Queen's English, a language to be proud of and the Queens version an' all. Recipe Ok being bilingual I speak English and perfect North American, sometimes the incrasies  of spelling get lost in translation......,..

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