Monday, 12 July 2010

The last days of Somerfield

Over the weekend I was coming back from Ashford Strand on me bike and I thought I'd pop into Somerfield on the Pottington Estate well I cycled up to it only to find two bloody great big skips in the car park and I was stunned to discover that  it ad closed down. I tell you I almost fell down right there and then. What was going on? Somerfield has closed down. I've only been away a couple of weeks but all these changes are causing me to be in a right muddle. First Heart FM now Somerfield. I was glad to say that I was not the only one as while I was stood in the car park by now feeling really flustered, a few folk turned up wanting to get a few ales in for the world cup. They was also taken aback. I suggested that we go up and find out what was going on. So I went up and hammered on the door until a chippy chap came up and asked what I was up to in my confused state I spluttered out my concerns. Well, it turns out that it hasn't really closed for good it is just being refitted and will open next week as a Co-op. I was glad to hear this, I tell you but still it isn't quite the same as the Co-op ain't what it used to be you dont get divvy stamps any more for a start and I reckon it's gone a bit fancy. One of the football fans was disappointed to hear this as he was under the impression that it was going to be a Waitrose at some point. Waitrose on the Pottington Estate between King's Carpets and the carting centre cor no thank you. To my mind why do you need a Waitrose when you've got a Co-op they sell enough fancy stuff as it is. When Somerfield was open I always made a point of buying their own brand rather than Co-op stuff that started creeping in as it was a darn sight cheaper and I reckon that their spaghetti hoops were better.
I also have a bit of history with that particular establishment as before it was Somerfield it was Gateway and during a transitional period I recall it was a Fine Fare (I lalways thought that was Latin). However before that it was the cash and Carry and my Granfer had a members card and so we would all go down there the whole family on a Friday afternoon and stock up on wholesale priced provisions. I never failed to be amazed by the catering sized tins of marrow fat peas and gurt slabs of Anchor cheddar. Me Auntie took a liking to the plastic 40pint barrels of Armontillado sherry or armadillo sherry as she called it. Everyday she would syphon off a bottle of it and would sell on some of it to the neighbours who would turn up at her door with old cups and jam jars for a few draughts of the stuff. Oh happy days.
Anyway, all in all I'm relieved to know that it is still going to be a supermarket as I'd be a bit stuck without one down there. I can't go to Tesco as due to certain events back in the day I'm banned from every store in the country and buggered if I'm going up to the beige wonderland that is Sainsbury's . I also can't go in the Somerfield in the high street as once you get in there you might never come out especially if you get sandwiched between a couple of trolley pushing old biddies. Stuck tight you can only totter along with the flow.

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