Sunday, 1 August 2010

Modern romance the Ilfracombe way

I noticed a rather touching story in The Gazette the other day. Apparently, a young couple in 'Combe are having their wedding televised and there is nothing that the folk of North devon like to do more than and that is to get on the telly. Whether that be living with wolves, sitting in a tank for two days in Clovelly harbour or just gawping at the camera whenever Antiques Roadshow or Top Gear are in the vicinity. This couple are having there nuptials filmed for a series on Living TV, so they are really hitting the big time at least that is what the Gazette would have you believe.It'a all part of a great TV concept dreamed up by some Toby type up there in the big big big city, whereby they and three other happy couples invite each other to their big day and after each do the other couples are invited to measure the proceedings against the standards of their own and mark them out of ten accordingly.
Now that's entertainment..... and a sure way to fame and fortune. It just makes me think what kind of person subjects the supposedly biggest day in a persons life to such scrutiny and then let it be picked apart by others all in front of a TV audience, granted it's being on Living TV not a particularly large one, but they did use an ITV crew! all for the sake of a few quid and a chance to get on the telly?
Well, it takes all sorts I suppose and the denizens of Ilfraombe have always got to be shown a little more compassion and understanding.
I have a mind to contact Living TV and suggest a more Adult format than the one they are currently running with, spice things up a bit. In for a penny in for a pound. I won't give out anymore details just yet as its only at the back of a fag packet stage. I reckon I'll do a bit of market research down the Reform later on. Here it is. Actually it seems they win a dream honeymoon in ...... Padstow.

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