Sunday, 26 September 2010

Bleddy heck I reckon it's abit fresh this morning


San Francisco... twin towns now
I just come back from young Bob Cobley's place, just now and as I was ambling through the church yard I couldn't fail to notice that all the leaves are turning and the conkers are dropping. I love this time of year. I sat for a while up by me gramp's stone and had a look out over the way bleddy lovely. As I was there I was approached by a young couple who asked me what time the service was as they correctly assumed that was why the bells were ringing out. I told 'em that it was at 10.30 and they asked me if I was going but I had to say that I wasn't wearing my Sunday best and anyway I am a Catholic. They both had an accent but I couldn't quite place it, turns out they were both from San Fransisco in the USA. I thought to myslef at the time that was a bit of a coincidence as yesterday I was at Ian Stokey's wedding out at Broomhill and he got married to a maid from San Fran as they call it. Funny thing was they were there too but I don't recall them. Mind you Stokey had a tab running and they do serve a lovely drop of super organic cider out there.

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