Well three cheers is what I say. it's that time of year again, it soon comes around and before you know it, it's upon us - the ferret racing season. Friday night sees the first classic of the year, the West Down Derby which takes place out at the village hall with the first race on the off at 7.30 on the dot. It's a wonderful event and a highlight of the ferret racing calender bringing together as it does ferret fanciers and some of the top ferret breeders from all over. There was one fella there last year who bought a litter of much fancied and heavily backed novice kits all the way up from Kilkhampton. I am glad to report that these Cornish whipper snappers proved no match for our Devon stables and against the odds and a little engineered home advantage they were soundly beaten through the pipes and had to beat a retreat down the A39 with their tails between their little legs. To my mind there is nothing quite like the spectacle of ferret racing at this stage in the season, the atmosphere is bound to be highly charged and there are guaranteed to be a few suprises. It is also a proper village occasion like the ones we used to have years ago, of course it goes without saying that there will be a pay bar no doubt stocked with a few barrels of Barum and a plentiful supply of Hancock's current vintage. I gather that you are welcome to bring along your own ferrets as long as you keep them on a lead just to show them off like, as under the auspices of the League you cannot race an unregistered ferret and unlicensed ferret racing although it does happen in some of the more isolated communities in the area is not something to be encouraged. Also free bowls of warm milk will be available for all. So how can you resist the odds are much more favourable than anything Camelot can devise to take your money off you on a Friday night. Come along and make it a night to remember. It could be you!
Meself I have another motive for going along as I am looking for a replacement for my dearly departed and sorely missed ferret Fluff who passed away at the ripe old age of twelve during last winter's cold snap. She was a fine specimen and is much missed, but you've got to move on. I've heard along the grapevine that my ex-common-law brother-in-law Michael Trout has a young kit he's looking to sell on who has looked promising in a couple of novice races earlier in the season. So I'll have a word and seeing as we are family he might let me take him off his hands. He really does look like a promising proposition as he has the same pedigree as dear old Fluff and comes from a famous line of ferret thoroughbreds. Happy days. Thrilling that's what it'll be.

Find out here about all you need to know about ferrets here. If you have a mind to keep ferrets, breed them and ultimately race them you will find the club's website a true mine of very helpful information.
I have to admit that the logo does look like a recruiting emblem for fascist ferrets but don't be put off us ferret fanciers are a fairly liberal bunch and I am assured that the club operates to serve the interests of all ferrets no matter what. I think it's emblematic of purely geographical factors rather than genetic. Hopefully ferrets are reclaiming the flag from the strident nationalists amoung our previous committee members
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