Not often you get some good news although I did manage to fix me freeview box and watch the release of the Chilean miners. I bleddy knew how they must have felt as not too long ago I got stuck in the old iron ore workings at Pinkworthy pond. I digress. I am glad to report that Phoebe the terrier is not going to be put down after she bit the jogging soldier's ankle out at Umberleigh. Apparently, the fore-said member of the armed forces, otherwise referred to as our Heroes and may God bless 'em, decided to prosecute the matter. He'd been out on a jog around the lanes of Umbers heading up towards Chittlehamolt when he was confronted by the terror of Phoebe. That's what happens when you go up river, the Terror, the Horrror. As he was jogging by the farmhouse where Phoebe lives she came bounding out to greet him and must have had a quick over excited nip at our heroe's ankles. Now I'm not usually a doggy kind of bloke but from being out and about in the lanes that's that's what farm dogs do. By my reckoning, they tend to do it all over. When I was lost in France every bleddy other house had some gurt barking dug in it.
Phoebe in better days |
So our brave boy phones the lads at the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary and that's it. Phoebe is taken off to the local remand kennels where she had to await her fate. She was refused bail as this was not the first time this had happened. However, once her day in court came around the Judge decided that he did not want such matters in his courtroom and dismissed the case post haste. However, by law, under the auspices of the dangerous dogs act he could have had the poor the little whipper snapper condemned. It is cheering to find that good sense prevailed and after much discussion in chambers Phoebe was released back into the community having served her time on remand. Judicially speaking, it turns out that in order to placate our hero he did recognise the trauma that the brave lad must have suffered via his ankles and that he will not be returning to his regiment somewhere outside Kabul until he gets the go ahead from BUPA.
Cautionary note: Phoebe is very much alive and well and she hasn't learnt her lesson as she grabbed one of me bootlaces as I was cycling past the other afternoon. Even though I found meself tossed up in a ditch I did not call my old mates at Devon & Cornwall Constabulary not being a Hero and also having an arms length of previous I just thought I'd let it lie. Jus' like a sleeping dug
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